St Mary Bourne Bowling Club
St Mary Bourne Bowling Club
St Mary Bourne Bowling Club
St Mary Bourne Bowling Club
​ St Mary Bourne Bowling Club
St.Marybourne Bowling Club
1.1 The Club shall be called St Mary Bourne Bowling Club.
1.2 The Club shall have a general management committee herein called The Committee.
1.3 The Club may only be dissolved by 75% of voting members agreeing by an inclusive poll of all Club members.
1.4 In the event of the Club being dissolved the assets of the Club shall be sold and the net proceeds after meeting all Club liabilities will be shared equally between Club members at time of dissolution.
2.1 The Committee shall have the following officers:
1 President
2 Vice President
3 Treasurer
4 Secretary
5 Club Captains
6 Match Secretary
7 Competitions Secretary
8 Development Officer
9 Greenkeeper
10 Club House Manager
2.2 ​The Committee may appoint additional officers to The Committee subject to agreement by all the above committee officers.
2.3 The Committee may establish Sub or Specialist Committees subject to agreement of all the above committee officers.
2.4 The Club members will be asked annually at the Annual General Meeting to reappoint the incumbent officers of The Committee by a show of hands vote.
2.5 Changes to The Committee officers must be presented to Club members for their approval at either the Annual General Meeting or the Spring Meeting.
2.6 In the event that the Club members present do not agree with either of the above the meeting will be suspended and an Extra Ordinary General Meeting will be arranged to resolve this.
2.7 The duties of The Committee officers are summarised in Appendix 2 to The Constitution.
​ 3.1 The Committee will hold general management meetings as deemed necessary by the President or Secretary or any two of the committee officers.
3.2 The Committee will invite all club members to a Spring Meeting in March each year and to an Annual General Meeting in November. Meeting Agendas will be emailed by the Secretary to all club members 21 days prior to these meetings with a request that any additional subjects required to be added by Club members must be emailed to the Secretary 14 days prior to the meeting date. The final meeting Agenda and any other necessary documents will be emailed to all Club members 7 days prior to the meeting.
3.3 Extra Ordinary General Meetings may be called at any time by The Committee or by any six Club members jointly emailing a meeting request to the Secretary detailing the reason for the meeting request. Prior notice of date of meeting of at least 21 days must be given.
3.4 All meetings will be chaired by the President unless delegated by the President to another committee officer.
​ 4.1 An up to date report on the Accounts of the Club provided by the Treasurer shall be emailed to all Club members by the Secretary with the final agendas for the Annual General meeting and the Spring Meeting 7 days prior to the meetings.
4.2 The Treasurer will present an up to date report on the Accounts of the Club at The Committee general management meetings.
4.3 All payments drawn on the Accounts of The Club must be authorised by the Treasurer and all cheques issued must be signed by any one of the approved signatories.
4.4 No member or officer of The Committee shall incur a debt or liability or expense on behalf of the Club without the prior agreement of The Committee.
4.5 Any reasonable expenses incurred by The Committee officers in the execution of their officer duties, will be reimbursed.
4.6 Annual subscriptions of Club members shall be invoiced to the Club members by the Treasurer and must be paid by the 30th April in the manner prescribed by the Treasurer. The subscription year running from 1st May to 30th April.
4.7 Annual subscriptions of all membership categories will be reviewed annually by The Committee. Any increase must be agreed by the Club members by a vote at the Annual General Meeting. In the event that Club Members do not vote to agree any increase proposed by The Committee an Extra Ordinary General Meeting will be arranged to resolve this.
5.1 Membership applications must be approved by The Committee.
5.2 The club membership categories are as follows:
5.3 Playing members – can play in all games, competitions and enter leagues.
5.4 Social members – cannot play but can attend club to watch playing and join in social events at the club.
5.5 Junior members – members under 18 years of age.
5.6 Life Members– proposed by The Committee subject to the approval the Club members by a vote at an Annual General Meeting.
5.7 Temporary Members – members of visiting clubs playing at the Club.
6.1 When members are required by the Club Constitution or The Committee to vote on an issue voting will take place at a
meeting at the Club by a show of hands of those attending the meeting, excluding club dissolution vote.
6.2 Members will be advised in the Agenda for the meeting of the matter which will be subject to voting at the meeting.
7.1 ​ All club members must comply with the Rules of the club detailed in Appendix 1 to The Constitution.
​ 7.2 Club members not complying with the rules of the club, may be reminded of the rule and asked to comply by a Committee Officer. In the event of a Club member failing or refusing to comply with such request this may result in the member being dismissed from the Club by The Committee.
8.1 The policies of the club are detailed in the following Policy Statements which are posted on the Club website:
1 Health and Safety Policy
2 Welfare Policy
3 Equality and Diversity Policy
4 Safeguarding Adults at Risk Policy
5 Safeguarding Child Protection Policy
​ 6 Policy to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations.
7 Environental Policy
9.1 Email address belongs to the club and is to be used by the Club Secretary and President only for
general communication to Club members and external​
9.2 The password will be held by the Club Secretary, President and Treasurer only and shall not be changed without their joint agreement.
1.1 All games are played under the laws of the Game as currently prescribed by Bowls England.
​ 2.1 No Club member or visitor is allowed to bring a dog into the club grounds unless on a lead.
2.2 The club house and the green are non-smoking and non-vaping areas. Club members and visitors to the Club wishing to smoke or vape may do so only in the designated area which is to the rear of the equipment shed.
2.3 No offensive behaviour by members while at the Club will be tolerated. A Club member committing such offence may be asked by a Committee officer to stop and apologise or may be dismissed from the Club by The Committee.
3.1 All Club members are expected to provide their own approved footwear. This footwear must only be changed into at the club and not worn outside the club. Correct footwear must be worn on the green at all times.
3.2 For all league games, competitions, and friendly games club shirts and black trousers, shorts or skirts must be worn, except when white t rousers, shorts or skirts are prescribed.
3.3 For roll ups and practice casual appropriate attire may be worn.
​ 4.1 The Club bowling season is from April until September, exact start and finish date to be determined by the Greenkeeper.
4.2 The Club bowling green will open for play during the times currently specified on the club website and these times may change. Changes will be notified to Club members by email.
4.3 The Greenkeeper after consultation with The Committee has the right to close any or all the rinks at any time.
4.4 The Club bowling green may only be used by Club members that have paid their subscriptions and visitors subject to them paying the current daily fee and visiting team players.
5. BAR
​ 5.1 Only alcohol purchased from the Club bar shall be consumed at the Club.
5.2 The hours during which Club bar may be open are between 11.00 hours and 22.00 hours and between 12.00 hours and 22.00 hours on Sunday.
5.3 No alcoholic drinks shall be sold to any person under the age of 18 years.
5.4 Only Club members approved by The Committee will be allowed to open and go into the bar and serve drinks to Club members.
6.1 The current rules for the Club competitions are posted on the Club website.​
6.2 Club members entering the competitions must make themselves aware of the rules and comply with them.
​ 7.1 League team captains must make themselves aware of the league rules and comply with them.
​ 8.1 Any county games being played at the Club will take priority over all other games and activities including rearranging them if
necessary to allow the County game to take place.
9.1 Markers must comply with the current rules for marking games as detailed on the Club website.
9.2 Markers must be members of the Club and wear appropriate attire for the game they are marking.
10.1 The details of current parking arrangements are posted on the club website. The procedures and rules specified must be complied with.
Any changes to these arrangements will be notified to members of the Club by email.
To represent the Club on match days and other special events
To support the efficient running of the Club
Helping others understand their roles and responsibilities
Communicating with various members within the Club
Ensuring an understanding of the legal responsibilities of the Club and to which the Club complies
To administer insurance policy or policies needed to fully protect the interests of the Club, its Officers and the Club members.
Vice President
Support the President in all matters relevant to the role
Become familiar with the role of President and be able to take over in President’s absence
Being first point of contact for Club enquiries
Corresponding with members on matters relating to the Club e.g. Newsletters, reminders, general information’
To keep Club documents
Taking and keeping minutes of all meetings of the Club, the Committee and Sub-Committees and distributing as appropriate
Liaising with Bowls England and County
Emailing Newsletters to Members
To send out and receive annual renewal forms
To schedule details on forms for league and competition entries and forward to Treasurer and Captains
To Maintain Club members details in the Club records
To assist Treasurer in collecting subscriptions
To collect all relevant fess from Club members
To make all relevant payments on behalf of the Club
To prepare Annual Balance Sheet for examination
To update The Committee regularly on current financial status of the Club
To present Accounts for approval at the Annual General Meeting
Club Captains
Submit Club entries for County and National Club competitions
To select teams for the above
To support team Captains, President, Competition Secretary during the season
Fixture Secretary
To arrange Friendlies with other clubs
To prepare and maintain a Fixture list for all club events
To reserve timeslots for all home Club events using online booking system
To arrange printing of Club fixture book and distribute to members
To update Club website with latest Club fixture information
Competitions Secretary
To arrange internal competitions for club members to participate in
To oversee the games on the day and present prizes if appropriate
To submit results to club members and/or website editor to publicise to all Club members
Development Officer
To develop and implement the Club marketing strategy as agreed by the Committee mainly for the purpose of recruiting new members
To develop and implement the Club policy statements as agreed by the Committee
To coordinate fund raising efforts by the Committee
To manage the Club green maintenance team
To ensure the maintenance of the Club green to retain a good playing surface and to meet the minimum Bowls England required standards
To maintain all green maintenance machinery and equipment and services and order necessary items as required
To ensure area surrounding the Club green is kept clean and tidy
To report to the Committee on green maintenance issues and current state of the green.
Club House Manager
To ensure clubhouse is kept secure and clean and tidy
To ensure fire alarms and extinguishers and emergency lighting is regularly tested and arrange PAT testing.
To report to the Committee on any clubhouse management and maintenance issues arising
Welfare/ Safeguarding Officer
To be the first point of contact for any issue concerning the welfare and safeguarding of juniors and adults at risk.